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Afro Business Expo

Exhibitors Terms and Conditions


In these regulations the term “Exhibition” in all cases refers to the exhibition being held in conjunction with the Afro Business Expo.

The term “Exhibitor” includes any person, firm, company, association, organisation and their employees or agents to whom space has been allocated for the purpose of exhibiting at the exhibition.

The term “Organisers” means One Voice Consulting Limited on behalf of Afro Business Expo.

The term “Premises” refers to the University of Reading Conference Hall or venue as stipulated on the booking website.

Each exhibitor is entitled to the following benefits:

  • Exhibitor names and logo will be published on the conference website.

  • A brief resumé (8 - 10 lines) of each exhibitor will be included in the official digital exhibition guide, which will be circulated to all invited government officials, VIPs, visitors and participating delegates.

  • Wide publicity will be given in the UK and Nigeria  about the exhibition to attract regional and international participants.

  • Each exhibitor is entitled to the full conference package (two delegates/people allowed).

  If the Organisers cancel, a full refund will be made to the payment source within thirty (30) days of cancellation.

Refunds for stands which are cancelled will only be made in the event of the exhibition being sold out. Every effort will be made to re-sell all stand spaces. Acknowledgement of the booking and a VAT invoice will be sent to you within seven (7) working days.

Attention will be paid to the order in which forms have been received when allocating space. Notification of stand(s) allocated will be circulated to exhibitors as soon as possible after the booking date. The organisers reserve the right to refuse any application or prohibit any exhibit without assigning any reason for such refusal or prohibition. An exhibitor may not, except by express written permission of the organisers, display or give credit directly or indirectly to any goods, products or services other than his/her/their own or his/her/their named principals. The display or acknowledgement or credit or advertisement indicating membership of any organisation, society or trade association is not allowed except by express written permission of the organisers.

The organisers retain the right to alter the layout of the exhibition if it is deemed to be in the best interests of the exhibition. Exhibitors should note, however, that every effort will be made to maintain the published exhibition plan layout.

Bankruptcy or liquidation
In the event of an exhibitor becoming bankrupt or entering into liquidation (other than voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction) or having the receiver appointed, the contract with such an exhibitor will terminate forthwith, the allotment of stand space will be cancelled, and all sums paid by the exhibitor under contract shall be forfeited.

Sub-letting or licensing the use of stand space is not permitted, neither may the products or service of firms not exhibiting in their own rights be promoted or displayed as exhibits, except where the exhibitor is the United Kingdom selling agent for such products or firms, or express written permission has been obtained from the organisers.

Occupation of stand space
The Exhibitor, their agents, employees and contractors may enter the building at a time nominated to them for the purpose of stand fitting and dressing. In the event of an exhibitor failing to take possession of his stand the organisers have the right to re-let the stand and all monies paid shall be forfeited. Provisional timings are stated in the prospectus.

Exhibitors must comply in all respects with the requirement of every appropriate authority, with the Terms of Agreement by which the organisers may occupy the premises and with policies of insurance affected by the organisers.

Exhibitors are reminded of the need to consult their insurance company or insurance broker to cover themselves fully against all risks at the exhibition.

Whilst the organiser will endeavour to protect exhibition property whilst on display at the exhibition, it must be clearly understood that the management of the premises, the organising group and the organisers cannot accept liability for any loss or damage sustained or occasioned from any cause whatsoever. Exhibitors will be responsible for all damage to property and for any loss or injury caused by them or their agents or employees and will indemnify the organisers against all claims and expenses arising as a result.

In the event of it being necessary for any reason whatsoever for the exhibition to be abandoned, postponed or altered in any way in whole or part or if the organisers find it necessary to change the dates of the exhibition, the organisers shall not be liable for any expenditure, loss or damaged incurred by an exhibitor or exhibition contractor resultant upon such change. Nor shall the organisers be liable for any expenditure, loss or damage resultant upon the intervention of any authority which restricts the use of the premises in whole or in part in any manner whatsoever.


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